What love looks like

What love looks like

Love looks like early morning snuggles, long, slow, sexy lovemaking, holding hands while waiting, finding someone at the end of outstretched arms when bad news breaks. Love is answered prayers, even when the response is slow or unexpected. Love is having faith. Love is a little girl, waiting patiently by the school gates, face smudged, […]

How to choose love…

How to choose love…

Here are four ways to continue to feel the love even after Valentine’s Day. …during traffic. Find ways to make your commute a pleasure. Download podcasts, start a happy playlist, listen to an inspiring book on Audible. If you’re not driving, you can use that time to plan out your day, daydream for future travel, […]

Love letters

Love letters

Love letters? For February? Groundbreaking. (I’m paraphrasing Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada.) I’m inviting you to join me in writing love letters in February—not to your beloved but to parts of your life that you don’t usually consider. It’s about loving mindfully and with intention. It’s about taking a few minutes every few […]