The magic of Write Away

A week ago, we stepped inside two wooden doors that led to Casa Luminaria. It would be our home for the next four days.

Write AwayPhoto by @emotionalnomad.


We didn’t realize the magic and inspiration that was waiting for us then. Fifteen women, mostly strangers, came with the intention to write, get away from the city and breathe, and heal their tired and wounded spirits.

It was the beginning of Write Away, the writing and life coaching retreat I crafted together with authors Samantha Sotto and Mina Esguerra. We wanted to provide the time and space to write, inspiring workshops, lots of pampering and life coaching and mentoring sessions.

But what came to pass was so much more beautiful than we had envisioned.

There was writing, of course.

Write AwayPhoto by @jamypye.

And lots of gifts.

Write Away

There were workshops.

Write Away

And stories shared (including the ones we had written) over wine and cheese. 

Write AwayPhoto by @jeinsedai.

There was time for daydreaming and massage.

Write AwayPhoto by @samthing_strange.

Most special of all, there was the opening of our hearts, allowing ourselves to be seen and heard, to be vulnerable, to invite magic, to make new friends.

Write Away

The combination of 15 women and their muses, the beautiful location, delicious food and open hearts made Write Away extraordinary. It was filled with moments we will not easily forget, lessons and laughter shared over wine, gifts that we didn’t expect.

If you want to join us next year, sign up for the Write Away newsletter (scroll down to the bottom of the page).

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