
What transformation looks like:  room to breathe and read and enjoy the afternoons.

What transformation looks like: room to breathe and read and enjoy the afternoons.

Sometimes change happens so slowly.

I remember Monday mornings at my old job.  I would despair at the expanse of the weeks, months and years that lay before me. I knew what was expected of me day by day, what needed to be accomplished every month and what to do the year before to prepare for the coming one. While there was the comfort of the familiar and the ego-stroking of being the expert, there was also the eye-glazing boredom of the same-old, same-old.

And then there was what came after I left my old job.

There. Was. So. Much. Change.

Days start when I want.  This usually meant 9 a.m. from Monday to Friday but there have been times when I sat down at my computer on a Sunday night at 10 p.m.  And was perfectly okay about it.

I haven’t worn stilettos in months.  My pencil skirts feel tight and my old button-downs look perfect with a pair of cut-off denim shorts instead of slacks.

My usual office attire consists of an old T-shirt, shorts and a pair of flip-flops.

Most times, I work with Disney Channel in the background.  Instead of someone interrupting me asking for advice or needing me to fight another fire, I instead take a pause for some sticky kisses or gifts of drawings from my five-year-old.

I make time for mid-afternoon knitting sessions or a cooling post-lunch swim.

And then there are the times I breathe, look around, marvel at how I was able to create this life, filled with intention, mindfulness, space and time.  I can examine my life and not feel panic at its slow pace, at its lack of activity but the knowledge that this is what I want for now, this is what I’ve been craving for during those busy-busy-busy days.

My Daily Om horoscope appeared in my inbox and it said:

Today you may be able to acknowledge how much your life has changed for the better, which could make you feel transformed. Like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon, you may feel you have grown into a more beautiful version of yourself. You can spread your wings to display your newfound maturity. By showing your true colors, you securely step into the wholeness of who you have become and confidently move forward to experience new adventures. Even familiar events can be understood differently now because you see everything through the filter of wisdom gained from experience. Today, as you review your life, you can clearly see and acknowledge the transformation you’ve experienced.

Today, I celebrate the transformation and know that I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ve run out of alliterations for the month so I’m calling this my Midyear Maneuver.  Here are my simple goals for this month:

  • To enter my new job (yes, I have one—and yes, that deserves a whole blog post) from a place of love and not bringing the stressful baggage of my previous one with it;
  • To blog at least six times this month;
  • To bring up my coaching hours to a total of 15 for June.

And how was Marketing May?

Get really clear about what I was offering as a coach.  Check.

Update my About page.  Check (and I even set up a Work with Me page).

Unfortunately, I only completed 9.5 hours of coaching this month instead of my intended 15.



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