Journaling for Wholeness (aka the joy of journaling) is a four-week exploration into deep journaling. You will expand your practice through a variety of journaling styles. Go deep, find joy, and be inspired by journaling again.

Journaling for Wholeness is a journey of self-discovery, self-compassion and self-love. You can explore and embrace the different facets of yourself—the wise and lovable parts of you AND the unclaimed and broken parts—through the act of journaling. This course is designed to help you cultivate a deep, loving relationship with both your inner wisdom and vulnerabilities, changing your own self-perception and how you want to navigate the world.

But this course isn’t just about the serious stuff. Engage in a variety of engaging and creative writing exercises that will infuse joy and pleasure into your journaling practice. From intuitive journaling and sound journaling to making a commonplace book and my take on dream journaling, this four-week journaling journey is the jolt of energy you need so you can start (or restart) a consistent journaling practice.

Journaling for Wholeness is an experience of reconnection with your true self, authenticity, intuition and joy. It's a sanctuary where you can step away from the pressures of everyday life, refresh your spirit, and engage in a process of rediscovery. 

What's included in the course: 

  • Four weeks of daily writing, with one week devoted to daily dialogue (through your journal) with the loved and unloved parts of yourself
  • A weekly video
  • A variety of journaling exercises—writing with prompts, free writing, intuitive journaling, my take on dream journaling, sound journaling, creating a commonplace book, conversations with your creative self, among others
  • Journaling tips and a deeper writing routine where you will create a safe space for you and your emotions
  • A joyful and consistent practice as a tool for self-awareness and self-love

The curriculum

Welcome to the course (available on 30 June)

Here's where I share my intention and the secret to making the most of the course.
Video: My intention for the course

Week 1 : Journaling warm-up

Seven days of daily prompts. This is a warm-up before you go deeper into journaling in the next few weeks.
This week's video: My journaling journey and favorite tools

Week 2: Journaling with your inner selves

Each day, you will meet one of your inner selves: your inner goddess, inner critic, inner coach, your shadow self, inner healer, inner child and inner wise self. This is a week of dialogue with each of them—to shine the light, unearth their wisdom, and give them awareness, acceptance, and even love.
This week's video: An introduction to your inner selves

Week 3: Journaling explorations

This week, you will explore different types of journaling—creative journaling, intuitive journaling, and free writing. This is more deep work that will illuminate, enlighten, and inspire.
This week's video: An introduction to intuitive journaling

Week 4: Journaling adventures

It's choose-your-own adventure week. Explore a variety of creative journaling techniques to rejuvenate your journaling practice—from sound journaling to my take on dream journaling, from a fresh approach to gratitude journaling to the art of crafting a commonplace book. You'll also receive a PDF with prompts to inspire and guide you.
This week's video: Common obstacles to journaling and how to overcome them

Dive deep into journaling practices to unlock the secrets of your inner selves and reveal the invaluable wisdom they hold, access your intuition, and rediscover your authentic self. 

Journaling for Wholeness offers a blend of self-discovery, fun, adventure, and personal growth in a gentle, no-pressure environment. Take each lesson at your own pace. Find pleasure in writing and allow your deep inner wisdom to emerge. 

Uncover hidden depths.

Find new meanings.

Surprise yourself.

Journaling for Wholeness is closed for 2024. 

Sign up for my newsletter to find out when it opens up again.

​Is this course for you? 

  • You’re ready to see certain parts of yourself and your life through new eyes—and are open to the wisdom they are offering.
  • Your journal writing has become stale—and you want to breathe new life into it.
  • You want to try new journaling practices but you want to do it in a no-pressure, safe space where you're not compelled to share anything.
  • You want to communicate with your intuition more—and be guided by it.
  • Even if life is super-busy, you're bored and you want to try something new.

Reviews about Journaling for Wholeness

I'm super happy discovering and participating in this! I looved all the practices as it opened the world of journaling for me to just simply being boxed in to memory keeping and emotional vomit. I really appreciate starting this journey of being more reflective and intuitive while journaling. :) I'm a bit sad that I don't have a new challenge to look forward to every new day but there's so much I can go back to! Thank you for creating this journey!

—Sheryl L.

I loved that the course gave me so many ideas to play around with. I
like how open it was—we could
really use the prompts as

 inspiration and take them wherever we needed them to go.

—Chinggay L.

When I first started this course, my intention was to rediscover the joy of journaling and to just have fun—that's exactly what I got and so much more. Journaling the past few weeks made me feel happy and excited again. It allowed me to meet and get to know different parts of myself. It helped me see beauty in the mundane. Thank you for creating this course. It has definitely inspired me to keep
journaling with joy.

—Angel A.

"This was a wonderful and much-needed experience for me. To think
I enrolled on impulse. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The entire course

helped me along in my physical and mental healing. This is such

 a wonderful preparation for the year and yearssss to come."

—Meg T.










Copyright 2024, Journaling for Wholeness

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