10 Things I’m Loving Now

1.  The most beautiful book I’ve read this year. 2.  Stemless wine glasses.  They’re not very common but I love their casual vibe and how they bring me back to my vacation in Sonoma. 3.  Madeline Tosh yarn—deliciously soft, pretty colors, crisp stitch definition 4.  How I learned to design shawls 5.  Vania Romoff:  I wore […]

A life she loved

I found this old photo on my Instagram feed. How do you design a life you love?  It’s in the choices you make—how you spend your time, how you treat yourself, how you show love everyday. It’s in the consistency of those choices:  to choose positivity over anxiety, to see opportunity in obstacles, to decide […]

What does self-care really mean?

Self-care: Usually defined as a massage, a pedicure, alone time, meditation, a yoga class, a treat, a retreat when the world gets a little too complicated, when you need to go back to yourself These are all great ideas. My self-care practices run along the same lines: 1. Doing something everyday that gives me joy 2. […]


Sometimes change happens so slowly. I remember Monday mornings at my old job.  I would despair at the expanse of the weeks, months and years that lay before me. I knew what was expected of me day by day, what needed to be accomplished every month and what to do the year before to prepare […]