What if the answers you’re looking for aren’t out there?

I know that feeling.

The hours of Googling “10 signs to know when it’s time to leave your job.”

Scrolling through social media, reading each caption, looking for the secrets for success.

Talking all the courses because knowing more=gaining more credibility (and hopefully courage).

Because if you just knew the secret sauce, if you could just follow a step-by-step plan, then the life you want will magically be yours.

What if the answers you seek lie not in your favorite self-help book, the latest personality quiz, your rising star sign, oracle cards or advice from your favorite influencer?

What if your life is already giving you the answers you need?

What if your inner voice is hoarse from shouting in your stubborn ear (“this is not working!”) but you refuse to listen because its suggestions are just so uncomfortable and scary?

When I feel the outside world is drowning my voice, when I find myself going back to these habits (because hey, I’m human), that’s when I know it’s time to pick up my journal and write and write and write.  Most times, the answers that I need come and I face the discomfort of arguing with myself on the page. And sometimes, I read what I’ve written in the past and see the same-old patterns which are a signal that it’s time to change—its repetition is the answer I’m looking for.

More than personality quizzes, books or online courses, my favorite tool for self-discovery, self-intimacy and self-love is journaling. I’ve been writing in one since I was 10 years old and have brought my journals with me (yellowed pages, dusty covers and all) through all my home moves.

Starting a journal practice can be awkward. There is the blank page which must be filled. There are your thoughts that want to spill over—which should you write about? And for some, there’s even the added pressure of making their journals beautiful for Instagram.

This month, I’m inviting you to let go of the pressure and overwhelm. I created this year’s journaling challenge and mixed up hard-hitting, fill-in-the-blank questions with lots of fun lists. Whether you write regularly or you’ve never even scribbled “Dear Diary” in a shiny pink notebook, this year’s challenge was made for you. I created it in the spirit of fun and joy and I hope you approach it in the same way. 

If this is your first year as a subscriber to the Joyful Little Note, here’s a little background. August is when I invite you to do the 31-day journaling challenge with me where you are given prompts to write everyday. I call it our “month-long journey of self-discovery through daily journal writing using prompts.”

No pressure. No journaling police. If you finish by August, great. If you finish by December, no problem! It’s just you, a pen and acceptance and love for whatever shows up on the page.

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