August challenge: 31 days of journaling

Last month, I challenged myself to write in my journal everyday.

When I was nervous  about co-hosting my first life coaching retreat, I felt calmer after writing about it.

When I absorbed a lot of energy during my live coaching sessions, I was able to leave it on the page.

When I felt stale and uninspired, I was able to come up with ideas to shake me out of my rut.

I connected the idea of me dancing with a DI* during my aunt’s 70th birthday to dancing with the universe and allowing it to lead me.  I was able to experience synchronicity.  I wanted to travel and an impromptu trip was planned because my credit card suddenly offered discounted airline tickets.  I wrote about my slower life with humor and gentleness. Here’s a sample entry: “Where is my missing go-getter self?  I think she’s sunning herself in a nice beach somewhere, reading a great book, taking a well-deserved rest.  It feels good to have her and ambition and hunger take a backseat for a while.”

I was able to tap into my inner wise self.

I was able to connect to my intention everyday.

This month, please join me for a journaling challenge:  31 days of journaling, of connecting with your intention and your wisdom, 31 days of gratitude.  The photo above is a list of journaling prompts for every single day of the month.  You can use this as inspiration, if you have nothing to write about.    But you can also just write about your day and as always, end each entry with five things you’re grateful for.

Some tips if you’re just starting to journal:

  1. Find a pretty notebook—but don’t make it too fancy or expensive that you’ll be intimidated by writing in its first blank page.
  2. Write with a favorite pen.  I’m not very picky about being consistent with the colors so my journals are a rainbow of turquoise, chocolate brown, black and pink.
  3. I also start with an intention, a short prayer, asking to be guided and led during this time.
  4. Start by writing the date at the top of the page.  I also put the the time and the weather but both are optional.
  5. You can then follow with a salutation:  “Dear wiser self,”  “Dear inner guide,”  “Dear intuition,”  “Dear journal” or even “Dear diary.”  This helps make it feel more like a letter and not a to-do list.
  6. You can take any of the journaling prompts below or just free-write about the day.
  7. You can doodle or practice calligraphy or stick photos inside.  I have stuck workbook pages in mine, copied quotes, made lists of baby names, future places to travel, books to read.  No need to edit or have perfect grammar and spelling.  No one will be reading this, except for you.
  8. End with gratitude.  I list down five things that I’m grateful for:  a new client, the time in traffic to listen to my favorite podcast, an afternoon nap, Chocnut for dessert and yoga.
  9. If you wrote it like a letter, then end it like one.  I usually end my entries with “Love, Aueeie” which closes this sacred time with love and blessing.
  10. Keep your journal safe in a place where no one will read it.

Join me on this fun 31-day journaling challenge.  If you want to share some posts or photos of this challenge, use the hashtag #31journalingdays on Instagram.

P.S.  This is the note I send out to all the subscribers to my e-newsletter.  If you want to receive a monthly Joyful Little Note and a copy of Your Heart-Crafted Life workbook, then subscribe here.

*DI=dance instructor
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