
joyful little note

Every month, I send out a joyful little note to women just like you—women who want inspiration, who desire a soulful and peaceful space in their inbox and their day, who are willing to take courageous small steps to make positive changes in their lives.

I will invite you to join me on 30-day challenges, send you exclusive freebies and share my favorite blog posts and books. My favorite part though are my newsletter exclusives: collaborations with creative women (writers, artists, even a tarot reader) who will inspire you with their stories, their wisdom and their work.

This note will give you some precious quiet time in the middle of your busy and noisy life, where you can just breathe, be and belong.

I hope you can join me in this intimate, joyful, inspiring and soulful time and space that I create for you each month.

Plus, you get a free digital copy of Your Heart-Crafted Life. That's 36 pages of insightful questions, inspiring quotes, soulful exercises and a beautiful meditation so you can find clarity, connect with your why and take courageous action. Here's a little peek inside:

Your Heart Crafted Life
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life coach Philippines
life coach Philippines

What subscribers love about my joyful little notes

Your notes inspire me about dealing with life and heart moments. There's always something there to learn, to realize and to validate my personal experiences with.—Ivic

What I love about the notes you send is that they...spread positivity. I always look for something good in every situation and it inspires me to be a better version of myself. Because of your joyful little notes, I have something to look forward to this month.—Nica

I love your emails! Your joyful little notes have been something I look forward to when checking my email. I don't regret subscribing to the list. I've downloaded the HEARTCRAFTED manual and plan on sitting down this weekend just to focus on me and fill it out! THANK YOU for sharing your light.—Juris

Always inspiring!—Uly

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski,