A friend of mine recently picked up a brand-new set of watercolors, brushes and a sketchpad.
On Instagram, women I know have shared their soap-making processes.
I follow bullet journalers too and love when they do a flip-through of their pages.
My friend Amber is teaching women how to craft wooden bead necklaces as I write this.
I have spoken before of the magic of knitting.
My daughter B is discovering reading, an antidote to the hours spent on Youtube or Netflix.
It sounds like a corny slam book question: “What’s your hobby?”
My hobby is my sanity-saver. It’s something I look forward to picking up at the end of the day or a long work week. It has provided me the meditation and solace I need. When my life is out of control, my hobby has provided me calm. Through repetitive and familiar actions, I can, for a few moments, feel that my life is back in order, that things will work out. It reminds me that I am capable, that I am good at something. It’s an escape, my creative outlet.
When I look at the end result, I can’t help but feel proud—I made that. I created that. I did something with my bare hands.
Do you have a hobby? I’d love to know. And if you don’t, find something you love, that you will do even if you never get paid for it. Know that you won’t be good at it immediately. Keep at it anyway. As Thomas Fuller reminds us, “All things are difficult before they are easy.”