Hello, 2021, it’s good to see you

It’s half past midnight, two nights before the new year.

For the past week, I’ve been wracking my brains on what to write as we finally say goodbye to 2020 and with relief and gentle hope step tentatively into 2021.

I grab a book off my coffee table (it’s Cheryl Strayed’s Brave Enough), randomly flip to a page to search for inspiration and find this:

“Trust that all you’ve learned was worth learning no matter what answer you have or do not have about what practical use it has in your life. Let whatever mysterious starlight that guided you this far guide you onward into the crazy beauty that awaits.”

Here’s to courageously trusting yourself, your choices and opening your heart to the crazy beauty that is 2021. Go gently into the year. Know that everything that happens is here to support your growth. And allow yourself to be guided—you never know what interesting and mysterious path is opening up just ahead.

Onward to 2021—wishing you courage, resilience, creativity and love.

Photo by Marcus Winkler, Unsplash.

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