Jumpstart Your Dream

I want to start my own business.

I want to own my own home.

I want to run a marathon.

I want to write a novel.

I want to travel the world.

You have a dream.  You want to make it happen but you can’t seem to get started.

You feel stuck.

Jumpstart Your Dream is a program that allows you to take action on your dream—today.  It will help you move beyond the stories and limitations that hold you back and the fears that keep you from making your dream a reality.

What you’ll get from Jumpstart Your Dream:

A clear vision for your dream so you know exactly where you’re headed

More self-knowledge so you can align  your strengths and values with your dream

An action plan to get you started on working on your dream

Understanding and support to get past what’s holding you back


There are four components to the process of Jumpstarting Your Dream.

1. Pre-session Questionnaire
Define your dream.  Connect with why you want to do this. Set a goal.
2. Strengths Finder book and Questionnaire
Discover your strengths and align your goal with them.
3. Jumpstart Your Dream coaching session via Skype
A 90-minute coaching session with exercises to dig deeper into your motivations and move past your fear.
An action plan and recording will be emailed to you after the call.
4. Accountability coaching via Skype
A one-hour coaching session scheduled after one month.
A review of your action plan: your wins, where you can improve, what you’ve learned, how you can move forward.
A recording will be emailed to you after the call.

Jumpstart Your Dream is NOT for you if you still need to get clarity about your passion, are feeling lost or want leadership or management coaching.  Click here if that’s where you’re at.

But if you’re clear about your dream but just lack the “motivation,” “willpower,” “discipline” and “determination” to get it done, then this program is for you. The Jumpstart Your Dream process is not about improving willpower and motivation but is about connecting with your heart, the truth about why you want what you want and setting actions that are rooted in those.

I can’t wait to join you on this exciting adventure of chasing your dreams.

I want to jumpstart my dream.

If you’re being persistently pursued by your dream (a voice that says, “if not now, when?”), then I would love to offer you support as you take action towards making it happen today.

In the past year, I have made many of my dreams happen by going through this same process of digging deep, asking why, understanding how my strengths and values are served and taking consistent small steps. Having support AND accountability, as I have gone through fear and doubt, has been invaluable.

Don’t put that dream off any longer. Take action today.


This includes one pre-session questionnaire, one Strengths Finder 2.0 book and questionnaire and two life coaching sessions (one 90-minute session and one 60-minute session).  There is NO Discovery Session with Jumpstart Your Dream.

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1.  There’s only one accountability call.  I feel that I will need more accountability calls to make sure that I stay on track with my action plan.  Can I get more calls?  

If you feel you need more accountability calls, you can book additional sessions via a private link that will be sent after our last call.  There will be additional charges for these calls.

2.  Where is your office?

All questionnaires will be sent via email.  Your book will be sent to the mailing address you indicated in the pre-session questionnaire.

All coaching sessions are held over the phone via Skype (audio only, no video).  Call-in instructions will be sent as soon as you book your appointment. Here’s a post to further explain why I coach on the phone.

3.  I prefer using Viber or FaceTime.  Why do I need to use Skype?

Skype allows for call recording unlike FaceTime or Viber.  If the call recording isn’t important, then we can just do it via FaceTime or Viber.  However, it’s an integral part of the offering so Skype is ideal.

4.  How hard is this program?  How much work do I need to put in?

Your dream asks for your commitment.  If you feel that you’re not ready to pursue your dream right now, that’s okay.  Only you will know when the time is right.

The hardest part about Jumpstart Your Dream are the actions that you will take after the process.   This is usually where we get stuck.  Jumpstart Your Dream allows you is to have a clearer understanding about yourself and what you want as well as support during this scary period.  The actions you will take will be rooted in this which will make them more effective.

Allocate a total of four to five hours for this (or about an hour to an 1 1/2 hours once a week).  Scheduling time for this once a week will keep the momentum going.  Steps 1 to 3 should be completed in one month with step four following the month after.

5.  I’ve tried doing programs like this in the past.  What will make yours work?

If you’ve tried programs like this in the past, I recommend you go back to those programs and do the work.

Programs such as Jumpstart Your Dream need your full commitment to the process and the actions that you will take after.

Again, if you doubt that you’ll be able to give your full commitment to this, maybe it’s not the right time yet for your dream or this program.

6.  Why can’t I just get regular coaching instead of Jumpstart Your Dream?  

Jumpstart Your Dream has a very specific purpose: to get you started on your dream and to move beyond what’s been holding you back.  If that’s not where you’re at—if you still need clarity on what you want to do or if you just want more love and support as you’re going through challenges in your life and career—then I recommend life coaching.  You can find more details about life coaching here.

I have more questions.

Email me at lifecoach@auroramsuarez.com.

I’m convinced.  I want to jumpstart my dream.

Click the button to start the process.

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