Allow the world to delight you

How the world is delighting me right now:

  • Unexpected messages from the universe
  • Indian takeout for lunch
  • Much-needed rainfall
  • Flowers on my sili plant
  • Chocolate cookie dough ice cream

Noticing this is an act of defiance against…





This moment, pause and consider: How is your life delighting you right now?

This doesn’t mean ignoring your shadows or diminishing your burdens. It doesn’t mean not asking for help. This doesn’t negate your financial situation or health issues because of the pandemic.

But it does mean that when life shows up to delight you and it always does (even in the middle of pain and struggle), allow it. Let your heart lighten and be free from burden. Laugh a little. Say a tiny prayer of gratitude. Allow the light of this moment to prove that, despite it all, life is still worth living.

P.S. This poem.

Photo by Aline de Nadai on
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