What was the best gift you’ve ever given yourself?

Three weeks ago, I was at Write Away, the annual all-women writing and life coaching retreat I hold with my partners, authors Sam Sotto and Mina Esguerra.

Every year, the overarching theme of the retreat is GIFT.

When writers arrive, they are presented with goody bags stuffed to the gills with books, journals, stationery, postcards and beauty products. There are presents exchanged. For some writers, the retreat is an actual gift. Our favorite story is how a loving daughter gave the retreat to her mom who had no idea what she was getting into but got caught up in the magic of Write Away anyway.

For most of the women, however, the retreat is a gift to themselves. It is their treat, a reward, an indulgence. Most of them can’t believe they are actually taking four days for themselves—to finally fulfill their dreams of becoming a writer, to nurture their creativity, to finally give themselves the rest that they need. This gift tells them: “You too are worthy of your own love and affection.” “You deserve this.” “Your connection with yourself and your creativity is as important as your career.”

The idea for Write Away came when I had gone on a yoga retreat to Bali a few years ago. It was an indulgent getaway. I lounged in luxe surroundings and was pampered by many massages. I did yoga twice a day, explored Ubud and made friends over delicious meals. On the last day, I felt rejuvenated and ready to face new adventures and challenges. I literally felt like I was injected with life and energy. The most amazing part, I felt reconnected to me again: my body, my spirit, my heart. This was the best way I had ever celebrated myself and what I had accomplished.

How about you? What have you given yourself lately—to reward yourself for a job well done, to celebrate a milestone, to acknowledge how amazing you are? It can be simple (a book, an online course, stationery haul) or luxurious (an experience you’ve always dreamed about, a trip, jewelry). Comment below to share your story.

Photo by Nynne Schrøder on Unsplash.com.

This is an excerpt from this month’s Joyful Little Note, my newsletter that will add some inspiration and mindfulness to your month or even just your day. Subscribe by filling up the form below.

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