The best things about the Best Year Ever workshop

Last Saturday, I gathered two groups of women around little cafe tables to set our intention for the new year during the Best Year Ever workshop.

The year was still fresh and new. The spirits hopeful. Our hearts light and optimistic. The future ripe with possibility.

We emerged after three hours, our hearts (and sometimes even our eyes) full, having clarity about what we wanted for our lives in the new year and the actions to take to align with these. We released the year that was and everything that was holding us back and welcomed 2020 not with resolutions but with clear-eyed vision and intention.

Here are five of the best things about the Best Year Ever workshop:

1. The gift of time and space

The workshop provided an oasis of calm after the hectic holidays. These women gave themselves the gift of time and space to focus on themselves and how they wanted the year to unfold.

2. The community of open-hearted women

I coach on the phone. I take classes virtually by watching a video and filling up worksheets. I collaborate with partners via Viber or email.

So when the chance comes to do a live workshop, I always say yes. Meeting and being with open-hearted women gives me so much energy and shows me the state of their spirits—how big, how generous, how endlessly imaginative, how ready to take on the future and make it the best year yet.

3. The stories

These workshops are about the women who attend: their intentions and their stories. It makes us realize that we are all sharing the same challenges, fears and hopes. Knowing that connects us all and makes us want each other to succeed and ready to cheer each other on.

4. Our gorgeous space

Menarco Tower, the healthiest building in Southeast Asia, generously provided the space for our workshop. With wide-open windows, filtered air, a fun setup of cafe-style tables, the building’s calm and positive energy allowed inspiration to flow.

5. The intimate group

Because the group was so small (the biggest group had a maximum of seven participants), it allowed each voice to be heard.

I’m planning more workshops in 2020 and if you’re interested in being the first to know about them, sign up for my newsletter below.

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