I wish I could

I wish I could

I wish I could give you the road map with your destination marked out, a clear path for you to follow. I wish I could give you only the scenic route, with no detours or typhoons or traffic to hold you back. I wish I could point out the landmarks, the right turns and left […]

A time out: punishment or reward?

A time out: punishment or reward?

When I became a mom and B was hitting the toddler stage, I remember hearing about the idea of “time out” as punishment. I was familiar with spanking but resolved to try to never use it as a tool for discipline. Time out was a new concept for me, until I realized it was the […]

Three questions I ask myself everyday

Three questions I ask myself everyday

What will make me happy today? What kind thing can I do today? How can I honor my creativity today? I ask these questions when I write my morning pages. They’re so simple and I don’t know why I’ve never asked these before. They make me aware of my intention, of how I want my […]

When you feel like a failure

When you feel like a failure

So there are products I launched for my business that had no response. There were ideas that I thought would be an instant sold-out success but moved v e r y  s l o w l y. There were Facebook  and Instagram ads with high engagement and lots of clicks but no registrations. And then […]

You’re not alone

You’re not alone

Lost. Trying hard to focus. Not really sure about what I want to say. That’s me as I was trying to write this. But hey, maybe that’s you too. Maybe you’re feeling lost in your career, lost in feelings of discontent and dissatisfaction, lost and wanting to change but not quire sure how. So I […]

How confident are you in your body?

How confident are you in your body?

Last Saturday, I was invited to speak about Raising Confident Children for Mommy Mundo’s Momschool.  I talked about how raising confident children starts with being confident moms first. We can tell our children “You’re beautiful!” “Be yourself!” “Accept yourself!” But when we show them how we put ourselves down, how we judge others and ourselves, […]