10 questions to ask your intuition

10 questions to ask your intuition

Last Saturday, Chinggay Labrador of Practical Magic and I held our first tarot and intuitive journaling workshop called Inkling. There was magical energy and goose bumps—the kind of beautiful environment where women allow themselves to show up with curiosity and open minds and share their hearts with each other. We pulled tarot cards and did […]

Going at your speed

Going at your speed

There were many years that I worked only at one speed: forward and fast. It was all about the hustle, the quick decision, the projects that were due yesterday. I was thriving in the fast-paced environment that most companies are proud to cultivate. When I left that job, I felt unmoored, unsettled. I didn’t know […]

A revived habit: The morning pages

A revived habit: The morning pages

I am reviving the morning pages, a habit I’ve done more than 10 years ago. I was encouraged to begin again because of this book which is helping me heal my issues with money. Julia Cameron, the creator of the pages, explains what it can do for you: “Pages clarify our yearnings. They keep an […]

When you fail at something…

When you fail at something…

…or feel like you didn’t give your best… …or let someone down… …or made someone feel bad… …or disappointed somebody. Don’t turn that anger and disappointment on yourself or someone else. Have compassion for yourself (even if it’s the hardest thing to do at the moment). Take a deep breath and know that “you are […]

Trust within

Trust within

The prickle at the back of your neck. The whisper that says “go for it” despite your pounding heart. The pain in your belly when you’re about to make a bad decision. A dream that comes  the night before you make a big life change. Words that keep appearing in a book, on your social […]

My 10 self-care practices

My 10 self-care practices

This month, in my newsletter, I encouraged my readers to think of—and make time for— self-care this month. If you’re interested, here’s my list: 1. Mirror work When I head to the bathroom first thing in the morning, I smile at myself and say, “I love you.” It felt a bit weird when I started […]