Eight ways to practice mindfulness

Eight ways to practice mindfulness

If mindfulness is defined as being fully present, without overly reacting or being overwhelmed by the situations around us, here are eight ways to practice it: At work 1. Before meeting with a difficult colleague, take deep breaths and envision light emanating from your heart and reaching theirs. Understand that you are both trying your […]

Present over perfect

Present over perfect

In The Courage Series last month where I wrote about women entrepreneurs, how they started their businesses and dealt with fear, Apol Massebieau, founder of Good Luck Humans, gave these words of advice: “Don’t let your ideas come from Pinterest or the internet or Instagram. You should be unplugging and figuring out your creative sensibility […]

The courage series: Mikka Padua of SeektheUniq

The courage series: Mikka Padua of SeektheUniq

I’m starting a set of articles for September called The Courage Series featuring women who have pursued their dreams with courage, persistence, perseverance and devotion so you can be inspired to pursue yours. SeektheUniq, an online shopping experience of seeking and finding the uniq (as it’s described in their Instagram account), is my go-to online […]

Five lovely things: September 2017

Five lovely things: September 2017

1. This home for book lovers Photo by Inhabitat.com   2. Her thoughts on making mistakes and doing things over (and why that’s not so bad) Photo by The Craft Sessions   3. Redefining wellness according to influencers in that space Photo by by Tezza via Camillestyles.com   4. 10 of the best online stationery shops […]

The courage series: Roma Agsalud of Common Room

The courage series: Roma Agsalud of Common Room

I’m starting a set of articles for September called The Courage Series featuring women who have pursued their dreams with courage, persistence, perseverance and devotion so you can be inspired to pursue yours. Common Room (a haven of handmade products or as it is described in their Instagram account, “a place where makers and artists […]

16 courageous things to do this month

16 courageous things to do this month

Fear keeps you stuck where you are. It keeps you limited to what you already know. It stops you from learning, growing and evolving. This month of courage, I invite you to exercise it, as you would any muscle. Here are 16 ideas you can do this month to move from a place of fear […]