Sometimes finding time to journal is another thing on your to-do list. Journaling is one of my favorite self-care rituals and it should never feel like a burden or obligation. If daily journaling is starting to make you resentful, then take the pressure off by doing it once a week. I created a journal-planner-and-self-care ritual […]
Five lovely things: August 2017
1. This prayer. I was struggling about what to write today. This prayer (that you can both read or listen to) is my intention for this day and my business. Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous Teach me to serve you as I should To give and not to count the cost To fight […]
Tips for journaling #2: Six different ways of using your journal
So you have your gorgeous new notebook and a pen you love. You’ve started writing freely every night but the whole journaling experience feels unnatural, uncomfortable. They told you it was going to change your life but the only change you’re noticing is that it’s another thing on your to-do list. If the traditional way […]
Free breathing space wallpapers
Last Friday, I asked you to make space in your weekend to get still so you can get inspired to connect to the creative force inside. What if you can find some breathing space too in the middle of your day? What if you step away from your desk for 10 minutes when you’re feeling […]
Make space for inspiration
When I was working full-time in the corporate world, I was desperate to add more dimension to my life, to go beyond the work-home-weekend routine. I wanted a side hustle, something else that I could do to provide extra income. I wanted to find another passion (although I was very intense about my work). I […]
Tips for journaling #1: my favorite tools
Since this month is all about journaling (join my 31-day journaling challenge, it’s not too late, I promise!), I’m sharing some tips throughout the month. There are really only two tools you need: 1. A journal. I’ve written in fancy Moleskines, diaries with unicorns and locks on the covers (please remember that I’ve been journaling […]