I first discovered Elizabeth Gilbert, as most do, in the book Eat, Pray, Love. Then I was amazed at her range when I was introduced to the intensely beautiful world of one of the most fascinating women of fiction—botanist Alma Whittaker in The Signature of All Things. In her latest book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond […]
How do you want to FEEL this year?
I turned to a page in my life coaching notebook and saw these five words: HAPPY. FULFILLED. CALM. AFFLUENT. SUCCESSFUL. Unfortunately, I’m finding myself feeling anxious, annoyed and agitated. It’s only the first week of the New Year and already it seems like my core desired feelings have gone on vacation to a sunny beach somewhere and […]
My word for the year
Last year, I talked about how I would summarize my resolutions and intentions for the new year in one word. The word I’m choosing for 2017 is COMMITMENT. It’s a big word, reserved for important relationships. Its synonyms are: devotion, promise, fidelity, faith and dedication. It feels right to make promises again—after having flings with […]
The word for 2016
I’ve stopped making resolutions a few years ago ever since I discovered Unravelling by Susannah Conway. Her workbook encourages you to look back at the year that was, celebrate the joys, be gentle, forgive others and then let go. The plan for the new year is to think of your word for the year and […]
10 Things I’m Loving Now
It’s New Year’s Eve and instead of my standard list, I’m putting together a list of 10 awesome things that happened this year. 1. I graduated from the Courageous Coaching Training Program. 2. I started this blog. 3. I went to the Frankfurt Book Fair and then Berlin, a city I’ve always wanted to visit. […]
Life coaching 101
When I first started training to be a life coach, I struggled with the term. It brought to mind quotes such as “Do more of what makes you happy” or “Do what you love,” soggy tissues, a pile of self-help books and The Secret-type practices such as writing a check with the amount you want […]