Life Coaching Book Club: The Right Questions

Life Coaching Book Club: The Right Questions

A big part of my job as a coach is asking questions. This month’s Life Coaching Book Club pick, The Right Questions: Ten Essential Questions To Guide You To An Extraordinary Life, can act your substitute coach.  By asking yourself these questions when you make decisions, you allow yourself to pause and consider your intentions.  The book allows you to […]

Love letters

Love letters

Love letters? For February? Groundbreaking. (I’m paraphrasing Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada.) I’m inviting you to join me in writing love letters in February—not to your beloved but to parts of your life that you don’t usually consider. It’s about loving mindfully and with intention. It’s about taking a few minutes every few […]

Letting go

Letting go

I’m writing this while my seven-year-old daughter is having a mini meltdown in her room. Her teacher just told us that the kids will be doing a book swap on Friday. My daughter started to cry. She can’t stand the idea of giving away anything.  She wants to keep baby clothes that no longer fit, […]

My first oracle card reading

My first oracle card reading

Last weekend, I bought my first set of oracle cards. (I’m feeling the call to explore my more mystical side after years of logic and strategy.) Oracle cards are similar to tarot in that they provide you with insight about what you want in your life right now. I don’t believe in using them for […]