December joy: Live with intention

December joy: Live with intention

Christmas isn’t a season.  It’s a feeling. >Edna Ferber There is a moment during the season when you become keenly aware that it’s Christmas.  The nip in the air while walking to Simbang Gabi.  Topping off the tree with a star.  The crack of castañas shells. The swelling of voices of the choir during midnight […]

10 things I’m loving now: November 2016

10 things I’m loving now: November 2016

1. A peep into private lives, precious jewels, lush locales—you won’t be able to stop at just one episode in this series. 2. I discovered this charming cafe, adjacent to a garden and garden supply center.  An oasis in the city. 3. A movie about happiness, with a rockin’ soundtrack and insane animation 4.  Another fun Instagram […]

What I’ve learned from 30 days of Miracle Mornings

What I’ve learned from 30 days of Miracle Mornings

A little more than 30 days ago, I embarked on another experiment: the Miracle Morning. It’s a system of six habits that self-help experts recommend as among the best for making positive changes in your life. It also makes you a morning person which is one of the secrets of success of over-achieving entrepreneurs. The Miracle Morning […]

When I grow up…

When I grow up…

When I grow up, I will be the kind of mom who has everything you never even thought you needed in her bag. I will have Kleenex, wipes, alcohol, bandages. I will walk through my office with poise and elegance, carrying an It bag and  wearing shoes with red soles. When I grow up, I […]