Life Coaching Book Club: Tiny Beautiful Things—Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar

Life Coaching Book Club: Tiny Beautiful Things—Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar

Having been immersed in the magazine industry for 16 years, I’ve always loved advice columns. They taught me how to make the kitchen cleaner naturally using white vinegar and baking soda.  I learned how to deal with a toddler’s first-day-of-school blues.  There was an answer to my every concern, summed up in less than 100 words. But the […]

What do you value?

What do you value?

Last week, as part of my 31 days of journaling challenge, the prompt was “I value…” Maybe it was because I was writing in my journal, my private space where I can be free with my thoughts.  Or it could because of the practice I’ve had after almost two months of journaling everyday and accessing […]

23 tiny, beautiful things

23 tiny, beautiful things

Four months ago, I left the corporate world (again) where mottos like “go big or go home,” “aim higher,” “double-digit growth!” were as common as people removing their shoes underneath their desks. I get burdened just remembering that. Today, I focus on just doing and creating tiny beautiful things (a title and book I love).  Even […]

Gift goals versus should goals

Gift goals versus should goals

In the book, Playing Big, author Tara Mohr talked about her struggle to lose weight—how she tried diets and exercise to no avail. It was only when she shifted thinking about her weight loss as a should goal (I should lose weight! I should fit into a size 2! I should make more healthy choices!  […]

10 things I love about…

10 things I love about…

Three days into journaling with prompts, I’m finding the experience to be expansive. The prompts allow me to go beyond ruminations of my day, which can sometimes be repetitive. They let me look at my life in a different—and deeper—way. Most importantly, they’re fun. The August 2 and 3 prompts for the 31 Days of Journaling challenge […]