Dear Aurora

Dear Aurora

Dear Aurora, So I made a commitment to doing 10 April Love posts last month. It’s the first day of May and only got to complete this last love letter today. In the past, I would have felt really bad about not living up to my commitments and beating myself up about how I could have […]

Dear change

Dear change

Dear change, You’ve been unrelenting these past few years. I barely recognize my life because it looks so different from what I had planned. I was the one who went the same grade school and high school with the same 30 classmates for 11 years. I lived in the house I grew up in for […]

Dear heart

Dear heart

Dear heart, You amaze me with your courage. Your resilience. Your ability to grow. Your openness. Your passion. Your intensity. Your tenderness. Your kindness. Your love. Thank you for being mine.  I haven’t always taken care of you in the past but now I’m trying to listen more to you, to make choices that are […]

Dear fear

Dear fear

Dear fear, Why, hello there, old friend! I’m amazed that I’m even calling you friend. You used to be someone I would ignore, hoping that you would go away, whenever I thought about leaving what was familiar or exploring the new. You were my constant companion when I would find myself literally lost in the […]

Dear money

Dear money

Dear money, We had an exercise during coach training last year where I had a conversation with you.  One of my fellow coaches took on your persona and asked me a few questions: Is our relationship now secure for you? Do you expect me to make you happy? Do you love me? Having that conversation shifted […]

Dear courage

Dear courage

Dear Courage, Don’t fail me now.  I am recommitting myself to you, to the promise of potential, to a new future which makes my vision for my life a priority. Stick with me when I’m not patient. Stick with me when I’m scared. Stick with me when I want to give up. Remind me of […]