1. The joy of not wearing a bra
…We’re at risk of being called dangerous with bras off, and at risk of being called dangerous with bras on. But we give objects their symbolic power. We decide whether the things we wear or leave behind represent repression or liberation or nothing much in particular.That nothing much in particular—those resolutions based on “no reason,”which are really resolutions based on our preferences, our whims, and often on our pleasure—is a feminism of quiet, everyday choosing.
—Hillary Brenhouse
2. My collaboration with Eden Street: Best Year Ever.
Photo from Eden Street.
3. This adorable photo series has now been turned into a book.
Photo by LAURA IZUMIKAWA/GALLERY BOOKS from Huffington Post
4. Can I be her when I grow up?
Photo by Advanced Style from A Cup of Jo.
5. These sexy and sensual photorealistic paintings
Maude© John Kacere, Courtesy of Louis K. Meisel Gallery, SoHo, New York from Anothermag.com