How life coaching changed my life: Coming from a place of love, not fear

What's the most loving thing you can do at this moment?  How can you make a heart-crafted decision?

What’s the most loving thing you can do at this moment? How can you make a heart-crafted decision?

“Close your eyes.  Put your hand on your heart.  Imagine a beautiful light glowing inside.  Imagine that light enveloping you and reaching out to your friends.  Imagine that this loving light is surrounding all of you.”

My coach recently made me do this visualization.  I was struggling with feeling judged by and resentful of a group of close friends who, I felt, didn’t understand a decision I had recently made.  I wanted to go back to feeling accepted and loved by them instead of anxious and wanting to avoid them.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the resentment had melted away.  What replaced it were memories of what we had shared and how much bigger our relationship was than this moment of misunderstanding.  I realized that it was a love that stretched all the way to grade school, when we would sit on the floor of the classroom, coming out with a silly name for our group, to high school, when we would excitedly plan for the prom and intrams, to college when we were exasperated by boys, and then to adulthood when we became maids-/matrons-of-honor/bridesmaids in each other’s weddings and godmothers to each other’s children.

Then she asked me:  When you made the decision to tell them, were you anxious and fearful about their reaction?  (The answer:  I was.)  What would have happened if you had come from a place of love? (I would have remembered how they are my source of support, not only during bad times but during the good.)

At the end of the session, I was reminded again about the depth of our friendship and our love for each other.  But more importantly, I was able to check in with myself using questions that continue to resonate and become guideposts in my life:

  • What would love do?
  • What’s the most loving thing you can do for yourself in this minute?
  • How can you make this a heart-crafted decision and not a fear-driven one?

The next time you need to make a life-changing decision, try this visualization: sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and imagine a white light coming from your heart and surrounding your entire body.

Then ask yourself:  What would love do?  If you are committed to coming from a place of love, what would be the right thing to do at this time?

Be curious about what comes up.  This is your heart talking and I’ve found that every time I’ve followed its wisdom, it has never led me astray.

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