Make space for your dream

30-day challenges

I want to share a client’s story* with you:

A client had a dream of starting her own bakehouse but didn’t know how it was possible. She had a too-small condo unit which didn’t even come with a provision for an oven. She was coming home from work past midnight. She didn’t know where this future bakehouse could fit into her home and her schedule.

I asked her: How are you making space for your dream?

After our session, she found a corner in her condo for an oven and started baking every weekend. She began selling her cookies and muffins to her colleagues. Last week, she updated me that a local coffee shop had placed their first order of muffins and she would be supplying them regularly.

What she didn’t do?

Quit her day job.

Or give up time with friends and family.

She realized that she didn’t want her “dream to be caged [by her] excuses.”

She gave her dream the space, time and attention it deserved.

She made room for joy and passion.

Making space for your dream means:

  • A literal location where you can work on it or be reminded about it regularly;
  • Time to take baby steps towards it even if the dream seems so far away and you’re not sure how to make the leap from where you are to where it is;
  • The mind space to actually identify what you want (and most important, why you want it) and what it will mean for you once your dream becomes a reality.

Making space is a signal to not only yourself but also to the Universe/Divine Guidance/God/Spirit/The Source that you are serious and committed to your dream. This commitment finds corners, opens doors and introduces you to opportunities and people to make it a reality.

This February, I invite you to make space for your dream. Maybe it will be as simple as declaring it with courage in your journal or to a trusted friend. Maybe you will create a vision board. Or maybe you will start researching a class on a subject you’re passionate or curious about. Maybe you will open a bank account so you can start saving. Or maybe you will sit and ask: “What do I truly want?”

Your dream is worth it.

Your life is worth it.

You are worth it.

*P.S. I have promised my clients that the content of coaching sessions are confidential. I asked permission from my client to share her story with you and she graciously said yes. 

Photo by Roman Bozhko for

This is an excerpt from this month’s Joyful Little Note, my newsletter that will add some inspiration and mindfulness to your month or even just your day. Subscribe by clicking on this link.

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