My favorite activity during the week is to watch my daughter during her swim school. She can look out for me and wave as she finishes a particularly long sprint. I can enjoy the poolside summer breeze, read, reflect and allow ideas to float to the surface.
Five years ago, I would not have been able to imagine this life—with its abundance of time and space to dream, to read, to write, to indulge in little daily pleasures. I was caught up in an endless cycle of meetings, events, documents to sign, fires to put out, problems to solve. My busy-ness told me that I was important, that I was worthy, that I mattered.
Slowing down was a choice I made. It was needed so I could connect again with myself, to create and make mindful choices instead of allowing circumstances dictate what I wanted. It wasn’t easy as change never is. I had to come to terms that my worth was not tied to the work that I did, to my position, to how busy I was.
How about you? How do you want your life to change? And what are you willing to give up to change it?