In 2025, I wish for you to know your worth, to truly understand in the deepest part of you that you are enough.
I wish for you the courage to speak up, to stand tall, to take the first step, to continue walking, to follow that unseen path, to reach, to risk, to ask, to expand, to choose love and truth over anxiety and fear.
I wish for you to show up for yourself and your dreams, even in the smallest of ways and the tiniest of steps.
I wish for you to give freely—your heart, your money, your time, your gifts—because this is what all this self-love and healing work is for: so you can love others as you love yourself, generously, abundantly, cheerfully.
I wish for you to allow yourself to let go, knowing that something bigger and wiser than you will catch you.
<br />I wish for you to say more yeses than nos.
To create more than you consume.
To fully trust that whatever is for you will never miss you.
I wish for you a fascinating and enchanting journey through 2025. May you delight in its pleasures, stand boldly and courageously through its challenges, sing your own song, dance through its adventures, and graciously appreciate it all.
May 2025 be the prayer you never thought would be answered.