In From Strength to Strength, my latest pick for the Life Coaching Book Club, I found this quote:
“You Westerners see art as being created from nothing. In the East, we believe that the art already exists, and our job is simply to reveal it. It is not visible because we add something but because we take away the parts that are not the art.”
If your life were your creation and your work of art, what needs to be removed to reveal its beautiful complexity?
What is no longer essential?
What beliefs or habits need to be chipped away?
What fears are obscuring your creation?
What traumas need to be healed?
And what will emerge after you have done the work of removing “the parts that are not the art?”
Will you be pleased with what you see?
Will you be proud of the life that will be revealed?
And in this act of creating, are you doing it with joy, wonder, inspiration, or excitement?
May you have the courage to let go of what no longer serves you so you can bring to light the beauty of this life you are crafting.