Yesterday, I had to power through to get out of my bed and into the office.
This was my pattern for years. I would force myself to trudge to work every morning, usually starting the day a little grumpy and ending the day exhausted and extremely irritated.
When I went back to the corporate world after a year of freelance work, I told myself that my pattern of powering through had to stop. I had to listen to my body, get enough rest, say no to too many commitments, make time for joy.
It’s easy to say but when your to-do list is overflowing, as mine is this September, it becomes a bit more of a struggle.
I decided that I could focus on my feelings of struggle and tiredness or I could shift my attitude and feel the gratitude.
And so I made the shift…and this is what I was thankful for. I felt my energy change and my outlook brighten. It ended up being a happy Monday after all.
This month, I’ll be doing a weekly gratitude list and posting what I’m thankful for here and on Instagram. #septembergratitude
I love this idea, Aurora. I do a small gratitude practice daily and it’s done wonders for my attitude and outlook. 🙂