What are you doing right?

relax trust

I recently asked a client: What are you doing right? 

One of the worst habits is self-criticism. It is easier to find what’s wrong, where you’re falling short, where you’re less-than than it is to look at how wonderful you and your life already are. In your need to overachieve, be productive and accomplish results, you might have forgotten what’s going right and haw far you’ve already come.  This habit may have been built from the idea that unless you’re self-critical, you will find yourself complacent, self-satisfied, lazy.

What if, just for today, I ask you to think otherwise? What if, just for today, you can replace self-criticism with self-love? What if, just for today, you can celebrate what you’re doing right? What if, just for today, you give yourself forgiveness, compassion and heck, even celebration?

The author Cheryl Strayed has said:

“The narratives we create in order to justify our actions and choices become in so many ways who we are. They are the things we say to ourselves to explain our complicated lives. Perhaps the reason you’ve not been able to forgive yourself is that you’re still invested in your self-loathing. Would you be a better or worse person if you forgave yourself for the bad things you did? If you perpetually condemn yourself, does that make you good?”

Just for today, pause.  Take out a sheet of paper and make a list of 10 things you’re doing right.

Maybe you’re giving your side hustle more attention and finally seeing the results.
Maybe you signed up to learn something new.
Maybe you met up with a group of friends even if you didn’t feel like it…and had fun anyway.
Maybe you sent your CV to your dream company.
Maybe you finally completed the project that you’ve been putting off for months.
Maybe you remembered to say “I love you” and “thank you.”
Maybe you finally said goodbye to a bad habit, a toxic relationship, a limiting belief.
Maybe you took 10 minutes to meditate.
Maybe you gave your body some love.
Maybe you started making time for a creative pursuit.

Whatever it is, I want to let you know that you are doing so great!
You are awesome.
I’m so proud of you.

This is an excerpt from this month’s Joyful Little Note, my newsletter that will add some inspiration and mindfulness to your month or even just your day. Subscribe by filling up the form below.

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