What did 2019 teach you?

Early in 2019, I had this big idea. I wanted to gather all the women I admire and ask them to speak inspiring words about purpose, creativity, passion, following your dreams, entrepreneurship and magic. It was tentatively titled the Possibility Pop-up.

But as I was taking steps to make my idea a reality, the actual work involved to mount a big conference didn’t inspire me. Instead, it dragged my spirits down and made me feel tired—and we were just at the preliminary stage.

So I put the Possibility Pop-up aside and opened myself to life’s possibilities instead.

What was surprising was that instead of putting other women first, life forced me to take center stage and speak the inspiring words. From being interviewed twice for CNN Philippines to being part of a panel for a marketing conference, from creating a workshop on mindset to being featured on a popular podcast, I was asked not to hide behind other women but to use my voice and speak up about what mattered to me: courage, gratitude, self-care and how change truly comes from within.

So that was the gift of 2019. I was asked to stop hiding, to show up and speak up and be open to life’s possibilities, which were even better than anything I had planned.

How about you? What did 2019 teach you?

This new year (and decade), are you willing to let go of control and allow life to weave its magic?

In 2020, are you willing to trust yourself—your resilience, your creativity and all that you’ve been given so far—to finally take the steps towards a long-wished-for dream?

Are you willing to say yes to life, to not resist its challenges but to give yourself permission to soften and allow what comes up as an opportunity for growth?

Are you willing to open yourself to becoming the woman you were meant to be instead of the person everyone else tells you you should be?

If the answers to any of these questions is yes, then you’re in for an extraordinary adventure in the new year.

I’m wishing you boldness, courage, curiosity, and openness of mind and heart to face the possibilities of this new year. May it provide you with unexpected delights, intense pleasure, small miracles and amazing grace.

Happy 2020!

Image by Sapan Patel for Unsplash.

This is an excerpt from this month’s Joyful Little Note, my newsletter that will add some inspiration and mindfulness to your month or even just your day. Subscribe by filling up the form below.

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