Wherever you are right now, it’s okay.
You’re okay.
You’re doing the best you can.
You make mistakes.
You don’t need to have everything figured out.
One moment, you’re able to give love from that big generous heart of yours. The next, you’re selfish and immature.
I want to let you know that it’s okay to be human, that it’s okay to not succeed all the time that it’s okay to be frustrated to cry, to be impatient, to be scared, to be sorry, to have regrets, to not be perfect.
I want to ket you know you don’t need to be anything but where you are right now…
…that you are worth of everything you want.
…that you are enough just as you are.
…that everything is unfolding perfectly.
…that you are love.
…that this moment is a gift. Pause and acknowledge the glory of being alive at this minute, at this time, of all that you have accomplished, even things you never thought was possible, of the people who love you and support you and are cheering you on every single day.
Wherever you are right now, give yourself love, gentleness and compassion.
If you’re having a hard time believing these, it might be time to explore coaching so you can build your self-love and worthiness muscles. From this place, you will find the confidence to show up powerfully in the world and work courageously towards what you want, because you know your strengths and the value you bring to the world. Click the button below to start a coaching conversation with me.