Your comfort zone reimagined

Do you notice how comfort zones get a bad rap?

We are always asked to step out of them, to challenge and stretch ourselves, to get uncomfortable, to grow.

But this year has been one giant discomfort zone. The plans we have made have been shut down. The activities that make us feel alive and human have been removed. We have been asked to pivot, to lean into our creativity and grit, to adapt to survive.

More than ever, I realize the value and gift of the comfort zone as a place to retreat when the world feels overwhelming in its unfamiliarity. (It is not, as it’s usually defined, where we stay stagnant and stuck, unable to move forward for our growth.)

Maybe your comfort zone is a physical space—you might be lucky enough that your entire home feels loving and safe. Or maybe it’s your bedroom, the bathroom that you have made into a relaxing sanctuary now that your favorite spa experience feels like a distant memory, the balcony where you started a vegetable garden, the kitchen where your creativity comes to life.

Maybe your comfort zone is a habit. It could be your morning meditation, nightly prayer, a daily drawing activity. It could also be a gratitude practice or your Sunday Night Journal

Or maybe it’s a routine or ritual—your weekly hump day huddles with your team, your regular calls with your family, cocktail hour on Friday nights, a new-moon pulling of tarot cards, a bi-weekly session with your therapist or coach.

Or your comfort zone can be a person—the loving embrace of your partner, the sticky hugs from your toddler, the long conversations with your tween, the laughter shared with your best friend.

It’s okay to stay in your comfort zone…for now. Give yourself the sanctuary, the safety, the soft landing space that you need. When it’s time to emerge into the world again, you will, like a baby learning to take its first steps, come from a place of nourishment and care rather than depletion and stress. Take the time to mend your heart, your spirit, your self. The way forward will then be met with an open heart, calm curiosity and courageous resolve.

It hasn’t been an easy year so be easy on yourself.

May November bring you loving comfort and simple serenity.

Photo by Jen P for Unsplash.
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