21 lovely things you can do for someone today

21 lovely things you can do for othersThis month, I’m focusing on self-love. But the gift of all that love is how it overflows so you can give more to others.

Here are 21 lovely ideas from your overflowing heart that you can do for others today:

1. Leave an extra-generous tip.

2. Write a postcard to your best friend and send it to her office address so she will get a fun surprise. (If you purchase the Sunday Night Journal this month, you get free postcards!)

3. Plan a birthday party.

4. Buy a book for your former boss or mentor. Send it to her or him as a no-occasion gift. This is good. And so is this.

5. Treat your mom to a spa day. If you can afford it, splurge on a fancy treatment in a hotel spa.

6. Spend an hour with your child playing with her Littlest Pet Shop set or learning about outer space—without checking your phone or doing something else on the side.

7. Create a welcome-to-the-neighborhood gift for your new colleague, next door neighbor, cubicle mate.

8. Compliment a stranger.

9. Allow the car making singit in front of you to pass—and do it with good grace and a smile.

10. Write a sexy love letter to your husband/boyfriend/partner.

11. Bring unexpected cupcakes or your own baked treats to your weekly meeting.

12. Watch a show (the sports channel, an obscure art film, a cartoon) with a member of your family and just bask in being together in the comfort of your couch or bed.

13. Don’t complain about anything for a week, even on social media.

14. Pray in gratitude.

15. Allocate one weekend for each member of the family to choose whatever they want to do—and then do it.

16. Pet an animal.

17. Find a charity that calls your heart and donate your time.

18. Make something with your hands. Give them to colleagues on Monday morning (baked goodies will always be welcomed with a smile).

19. Resolve to start the week in a positive place.

20. Leave generous comments on the Instagram feeds you follow and admire.

21.Write an email to your favorite author, teacher, former colleague and tell them how much you appreciate their work and how they’ve changed your life.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash.
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