Would your 18-year-old self be proud of who you are today?

morning pages

I came up with this prompt for my annual 31-day journaling challenge. Then I couldn’t get it out of my head.

My 18-year-old self would be surprised at who I am today. She might not recognize me. I believe she would have been prouder of the woman I was 10 years ago, newly pregnant, riding high on my career, marriage and achievements, naively and even arrogantly assuming that I had made it, that life would continue on its upward trajectory without any curveballs or detours or heartbreaking change.

My 18-year-old self wouldn’t understand the woman I am today. She would probably find my choices boring, not knowing that there are speeds other than fast and faster. She wouldn’t have known that you can make decisions that didn’t need other people’s approval. And she would be surprised at the idea of self-love because self-hate, being extremely hard on herself was the only way she knew how to “motivate” herself and get things done, not realizing that there were other, more sustainable options.

But she would be thrilled and kilig that I’m married with a child and living in a beautiful home. She would be amazed at the places I have traveled, the people I have met, the experiences I have had.

I look back fondly at that fierce, independent spirit who had so much in front of her. And I bring that 18-year-old self and her resilience and confidence in a future filled with possibilities with me everywhere I go.


My 31-day journaling challenge is one of my favorite activities. I’m changing things up this year though. Instead of a list (as in 2016, 2017 and 2018), I’ll be revealing the prompt everyday at around noon (Philippine time) on my Instagram account @yourheartcraftedlife. You can follow me or the #31dayjournalingchallenge hashtag to keep updated on the daily prompts. First day starts today!

I hope you can join me as I’m a big believer in the power of journaling for clarity, creativity and therapy (as I’ve written here and here). 

If you don’t complete all 31 days, it’s all good. This is supposed to be something fun so we can collectively add mindful moments to our day and show up for our lives and our loves in the best way we possibly can.

This is an excerpt from this month’s Joyful Little Note, my newsletter that will add some inspiration and mindfulness to your month or even just your day. Subscribe by filling up the form below.

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