A 31-day challenge for you

journaling challenge 2017What do I love about this season in my life?
What is beautiful to me?
If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now, I would….
What five words describe my life today?
What am I hoping for?

Beautiful questions followed by YOUR beautiful words.

It’s August and time for another year of my 31-day journaling challenge. I invite you to join me in writing in your journal every month, using the daily prompts above.

Writing in your journal will help you intuitively tap into what matters, into the wisdom that lies inside.  The blank page is a repository for your emotions, allowing you to leave it there and move on with your day. It is your most un-judgmental friend, the one who supports you and provides you with the guidance you need.

I usually write freely but I’ve found that writing with prompts have added a new dimension to my journaling practice. These are questions that don’t come up in regular conversations so it allows me to go deeper into my thoughts, my emotions, my self.

If you’ve never tried journaling before or if you’ve gone on hiatus, here are some tips to get you started:

1. Find a pretty notebook—but don’t make it so fancy or expensive that you’ll be intimidated by writing in its first blank page.
2. Use a favorite pen and your favorite ink color.
3. Start with an intention, a short prayer, asking to be guided and led during this time.
4. Start by writing the date at the top of the page.  I also put the the time and the weather but both are optional.
5. Follow with a salutation, as if you’re writing a letter to someone:  “Dear wiser self,”  “Dear inner guide,”  “Dear intuition,”  “Dear journal” or even “Dear diary.”
6. Take any of the journaling prompts above or just free-write about the day.
7. Put aside your tendency for perfectionism. Don’t worry about your spelling or grammar. No one else will be reading your journal.
8. End with gratitude by listing down five things that you’re grateful for
9. If you began by writing your entry like a letter, then end it like one.  I usually end my entries with “Love, Aueeie” which closes this sacred time with love and blessing.
10. Keep your journal safe in a place where no one will read it.

Join me in this journaling challenge and experience the changes in your life through this self-care practice.

This is an excerpt of a Joyful Little Note that I send to my newsletter subscribers. If you want to receive notes such as these, subscribe below.

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