The magic of seasons

The magic of seasons

Summer in the Philippines usually means that it’s hotter than anything you’ve ever imagined. You emerge from the shower and you’re already sweating.  Working from home (with no air conditioner) is an exercise in endurance. It’s when the thought of jeans, jackets or anything with sleeves makes you want to cry. But it also means […]

My favorite activity

My favorite activity

My favorite activity during the week is to watch my daughter during her swim school.  She can look out for me and wave as she finishes a particularly long sprint.  I can enjoy the poolside summer breeze, read, reflect and allow ideas to float to the surface. Five years ago, I would not have been […]

What if you pursue your dream?

What if you pursue your dream?

Do you have a dream that you really, really, really want to make happen?  But it seems far away…unattainable…impossible to achieve.  Imagine a world where Walt Disney never created Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and never pushed past the fear and the naysayers.  Wouldn’t today be less happy and less magical without Disneyland, Beauty […]

What you can learn from doing 30-day challenges

What you can learn from doing 30-day challenges

Journaling, Instagram, gratitude, yoga, tarot, miracle mornings—these are some of the 30-day challenges I’ve done in the past year.  They’re small activities that usually just take maximum of 30 minutes a day. Here’s what you get if you decide to embark on one (it’s the first day of June tomorrow, a 30-day month, so it’s a great […]

10 things I’m loving now: May 2017

10 things I’m loving now: May 2017

1. The most versatile pair of shoes I’ve ever owned 2. I never thought I’d like these knitting needles so much! They’re so convenient for socks! 3. Dewy skin forever (really!) even in the hottest of Philippine summers 4. A freebie from Sephora that I ended up loving 5. Discovered this from a makeup artist—for […]