On why I love to coach

On why I love to coach

The thing that makes coaching so special is not the results that my clients achieve (although it makes my heart puff  with pride to see the changes in their lives). It’s not the testimonials they send after a few sessions. It’s not even the ability to work from home. What makes it extraordinary is the […]

Write away

Write away

Struggling to find the time and space to write? Feeling like the muse has deserted you for more fertile grounds? Intimidated by the blank sheet on your computer? We know the feeling…and we want to give you the space and lots of delicious time to write, dream, get unblocked and be inspired by your novel, book […]

What love looks like

What love looks like

Love looks like early morning snuggles, long, slow, sexy lovemaking, holding hands while waiting, finding someone at the end of outstretched arms when bad news breaks. Love is answered prayers, even when the response is slow or unexpected. Love is having faith. Love is a little girl, waiting patiently by the school gates, face smudged, […]