Becoming a life coach

I realized tonight that I’m a little more than halfway through my life coach training.  And that I’m on track with my required number of hours to get certified.  And that I have coached women from all over the world (the Philippines mostly, but also the US, Amsterdam, Australia, even Mauritius!).  And that I’m getting paid for […]

Trust in the journey

In today’s overplanned, over-educated, perfection-seeking world, is there a place for this admonition:  “to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts?”* This was from last Sunday’s gospel*.  I had heard this many times over the years but this time, it made me pause and think. […]

Three foolproof strategies for getting unstuck

It’s funny that I’m talking about this now as my blog writing has slowed wayyyy down.  I had a bunch of excuses: “It’s quality over quantity which means you don’t have to post everyday.” “Wait until you get inspired.” “You’re too tired after work.  Take some time to rest your brain.” But here are some […]

A life she loved

I found this old photo on my Instagram feed. How do you design a life you love?  It’s in the choices you make—how you spend your time, how you treat yourself, how you show love everyday. It’s in the consistency of those choices:  to choose positivity over anxiety, to see opportunity in obstacles, to decide […]