So you finally took the leap. You quit your job…or set up your side hustle…or said “I do”…or started working at your dream company…or got on the plane and stayed true to your commitment to travel the world.
But it doesn’t look or feel like anything you thought it would.
Maybe you’re feeling resentful (new clients haven’t flocked to your newly-designed website or the product you had thoughtfully searched for, photographed and packaged is still piled up in your bedroom, not moving, collecting dust).
Maybe you’re feeling self-pity (newlyweds are supposed to be in their honeymoon stage and aren’t supposed to be fighting).
Maybe you’re overwhelmed (you can’t keep your new responsibilities and the people you’re supposed to coordinate with straight in your head).
Maybe you’re bored (you underestimated all the time you needed to spend waiting and walking through the sights alone).
Instead of telling yourself that taking the leap was a big mistake, here’s what you can do instead:
1.Congratulate yourself for finally having the courage to make this big choice. It wasn’t easy and there was a lot you had to go through to finally get here. Don’t forget to give yourself credit for doing something that scares you.
2. Connect again to why you wanted to do this in the first place. Why did you say yes to this dream? Why did you do the scary thing instead of staying in your comfort zone? Why is this worth everything you’re going through right now?
3. Allow yourself to be a beginner. It’s okay that you or your business aren’t progressing as quickly as the women and the enterprises you admire.
4. Be open to honor what you feel. Know that in a healthy life, there is room for emotions other than joy and excitement. Acknowledge them but don’t allow these emotions to define the situation and realize that this is what you feel right now and not all the time.
5. Look at your situation through the lens of creativity and flexibility. Are there ways to make the situation better? What is your role in this situation? What ideas can you come up with to make today live up to (or even exceed) your expectations?
6. Finally, ask yourself my favorite question: What is the present of the present moment? Maybe you’re being given the gift of slowing down, of remembering your spouse’s good qualities, of renewing your commitment again and again to this new job, business or side hustle.
Hey, if you’ve already taken the leap and want to support around the overwhelm and other uncomfortable feelings, why don’t you hop on a coaching call with me and see how a coach can help you? Find out more about coaching by clicking the button below.