On New Year’s Day, I was contacted by CNN Philippines to be a guest on their show to talk about everyone’s favorite topic this January: resolutions.
I told them that I actually don’t make resolutions.
Here’s what I do instead:
1.Set an intention for the year.
I choose an intention for the year. I used to just pick a word but since creating my Best Year Ever workbook last year, I have decided to embrace intentions instead.
The difference between a word and an intention is that the latter is broader. There is more detail which will make it clear to yourself AND the universe what you want.
My intention for 2019 is MINDFUL EXPANSION, of saying yes to opportunities that go beyond my home, home office and comfort zone.
2. Ask myself why this is my intention.
The reason why you chose your intention is important because this will keep you going when you’re not motivated by New Year energy anymore. When you set your intention, dig deep and keep asking yourself why this intention is essential for this year.
3. Set goals or actions to make my intention a reality.
In my case, this means taking up classes on topics such as photography or even cooking (I signed up for Masterclass and I can’t wait to start my first lesson), meeting with partners or collaborators in real life instead of just finalizing agreements via email, implementing new (and bigger) ideas and saying yes instead of resisting what life is offering.
4. Track my actions.
I set my goals at the start of the month and make sure they’re checked off by its end. If there are recurring actions I want to convert into a habit (like meditation, exercise or blogging), then I use a tracker for these.
5. Reward myself.
In the past, I was so used to moving forward on the next goal or undone item on my to-do list. I want to be more consistent about rewarding myself after I complete a goal.
Rewards don’t have to be complicated or fancy: You can do a simple pause and acknowledge what you have accomplished. You can treat yourself to something that sparks joy. You can splurge on an experience that will honor your achievement. Rewards are another helpful tool to use to keep going.
If you still haven’t set an intention for the year, I also want to let you know that it’s okay. Maybe it will reveal itself as the year unfolds. Or maybe you can just curiously show up for your life and accept it for what it is: an amazing adventure that’s always working in your favor.
Oh, and if you want to see the CNN interview, click here.