Last year, I talked about how I would summarize my resolutions and intentions for the new year in one word.
The word I’m choosing for 2017 is COMMITMENT.
It’s a big word, reserved for important relationships. Its synonyms are: devotion, promise, fidelity, faith and dedication. It feels right to make promises again—after having flings with unfamiliar careers, new identities, different goals.
The relationship I’m committing to in 2017 are my life coaching business and the habits I’ve established. This means more dedication to writing, reaching out to potential partners, putting my name out there.
If you need help finding your word, check out Susannah Conway’s Find Your Word email course. There’s a lot of journaling, exercises, a list of words and even a fun creative activity to help you discover a word that feels right, that makes your body vibrate, where you feel that your heart has burst open to welcome it in.
If you already know your word, but need help in putting it into practice, then sign up for a life coaching Discovery Session.