On why you need a life coach

In the pre-session questionnaire that I send to all clients, one of the questions I ask is:  Why do you want to work with a life coach?  Your reasons are expressed in different ways but they usually boil down to these six things:

1. You want clarity.

You feel overwhelmed…by emotion, by conflicting opinions, by too much research, by the internet, by Facebook, by Instagram, by the well-meaning advice of friends and family.

In a life coaching session, we explore different possibilities. Life coaching provides the quiet space to sit and listen to your inner voice, to finally pay attention to what you truly want instead of what society says you should.

2. You want accountability.

You want to change your life but every time, you move forward, you find yourself sliding back into your old habits and patterns.

Having someone follow-up with you every two weeks is a powerful accountability tool. Most of us are Obligers, according to Gretchen Rubin’s theory of the four tendencies in building habits, which means that it’s easier to meet outside expectations while resisting inner expectations. A life coach, like a running, swimming or basketball coach, can help you meet your commitments and remind you of where you want to go and why you’re headed there.

3. You want to know your purpose.

You’re just going through the motions with your life. You do everything right—you took the right course, the right job; you have the right friends; you made the right relationships. But you still feel unhappy, as if something is missing from your life.

As a coach, I will guide you to identify your values and your strengths. From there, we will work with your intuition so you can infuse your life with more meaning, more joy, more love.

4. You want to craft a life you love.

You want to do more of what you love. You’re tired of the obligations that sap your spirit. You want to more with the people you love. You want to wake up and jump out of bed, energized and excited.

During our sessions, I will guide you so you can make choices from a place of joy and love instead of obligation and fear. You will learn to prioritize yourself, to love and trust yourself fully. We will work together to identify your vision or your life and the steps you need to get there.

5. You want to jumpstart your dream.

You want to write a book, start your own business, buy your own home, go to somewhere you’ve never been. But you have too many fears holding you back.

We will work together to define your dream, connect with your why, come out with a solid goal and take concrete action.

If you resonate with any of these, head over to my coaching page and let’s go on a life coaching journey together.

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