Dear future client

Dear future client

Dear future client, Do you know that feeling where you know you SHOULD be feeling happy but you’re feeling guilty because you’re not? From the outside your life looks amazing. You’re busy with a job you’re excellent at. You have a beautiful home. You’re always sharing photos of your travels with your family on Instagram. […]

On why you need a life coach

On why you need a life coach

In the pre-session questionnaire that I send to all clients, one of the questions I ask is:  Why do you want to work with a life coach?  Your reasons are expressed in different ways but they usually boil down to these six things: 1. You want clarity. You feel overwhelmed…by emotion, by conflicting opinions, by […]

On why I love to coach

On why I love to coach

The thing that makes coaching so special is not the results that my clients achieve (although it makes my heart puff  with pride to see the changes in their lives). It’s not the testimonials they send after a few sessions. It’s not even the ability to work from home. What makes it extraordinary is the […]