The gifts of fear

The gifts of fear

How do you see fear? For most of us, we look at fear as an enemy, as something to banish from our lives, as a trait that limits us from our potential. She’s so fearless, we say, with hushed, admiring voices. Fear, like stress, is unwanted and therefore something to negate and be replaced by self-belief and […]

The gifts of failure

The gifts of failure

Are there even any gifts to failure? When no one signs up for your offering, when your boss berates you for not achieving your targets in front of your fellow managers, when you don’t pass a professional exam, when the pregnancy test comes out negative yet again, when your proposal is rejected, when you don’t […]

The gifts of acceptance

The gifts of acceptance

I saw this poem on Instagram. And its message landed on my heart and wouldn’t let go. It was a gentle reminder that wasn’t only being sent by my body. But also my business. And my life. They asked: Could you love and appreciate me as I am? Without needing me to change? Without needing me to be bigger […]

The gifts of devotion

The gifts of devotion

What are you devoted to? My belief: How you show up for yourself is how you show up for others and the rest of your life. Doing things solely for others—their approval, praise, criticism and allowing all that to determine your worth—is unsustainable. (Please note the emphasis on the word solely. I know you understand […]

The gifts of waiting

The gifts of waiting

There’s a strange energy to my days. It’s the energy of waiting. Waiting for what? I’m not sure. There are half-formed ideas in my head but they feel raw, not yet ready to be released into theworld. So I’m waiting for them to ripen and reveal their final form. In the past, I would have forced these ideas into being—through […]

The gifts of no

The gifts of no

Last week, two amazing opportunities presented themselves. They were very tempting. One offered a lot of money for three days of intense writing work in which my past marketing background would have been a huge benefit. The other was an Instagram influencer event with an accompanying shopping spree. I said no to both. The first one was easier to decline […]