If you’re looking for a book to savor, to be enjoyed on a slow Sunday afternoon, with a cup of tea, then I recommend Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner. You might know Erin from her blog, Design for Mankind. Part vulnerable memoir, part blog (with its tip-sy sidebars, well-lit photos and resources on slowing your […]
The story behind Write Away
It was the day we all dreaded. It was called the day of silence. No talking, Wifi or gadgets. No one could speak to us (even the wait staff), call or message us. We couldn’t even read a book. “It’s a time to sit with yourself, to be with you and your God,” our retreat […]
Client challenge: I want more balance in my life
Balance is about finding the time and energy for the different areas of your life. It means not spending all your hours at work or on errands but allocating them to the other things you value—your family, friends, hobbies, home, a spiritual practice. Usually this word is tucked into the phrase “work-life balance,” as if […]
Five lovely things: May 2017
1. In case you’re feeling a bit lost at work, this post helped me tremendously. 2. Such useful tips on traveling (actually, this whole blog is lovely). (Photo by Chris Lawton, Unsplash.com) 3. I wish I could live this small: A gorgeous 500 square foot (46 square meters!) apartment that has everything! (Photo from Curbed […]
Stop doing list
We’re given so much advice on how to be more productive. Use this app. Use the Pomodoro technique. Try a paper planner. Focus only on three important things. Try the GTD method. How about a bullet journal? With our endless to-do lists and all the advice we’re receiving, no wonder we’re so overwhelmed…and then feel […]
Putting off something important?
B, my daughter, came home from camp yesterday, exclaiming, “Oh, mom, camp was so fun!” I reminded her about her attitude in the morning. She was dragging her feet. There were longing looks at the iPad where a new game was waiting. She had whined, “Why do I need to go to camp?” She laughed […]