The answer to your career questions

The answer to your career questions

Have you ever found yourself asking: “Is this the right career for me?”“I’m so stressed at my job. Is it time to leave?”“How can I find my passion and purpose at work?”“What’s the next job for me?” I created Good Job: A Meaningful Career Journal so you can find the answers. Through thoughtful questions and creative prompts, […]

My life coaching journey, part 2

My life coaching journey, part 2

Part two of my life coaching journey is the reality of running a coaching business. (Warning: this is another long one.) After training to be a life coach, it took me about two years before deciding to do it full-time. I was coaching while having a standard 8-a.m.-to 6:30-p.m. corporate job. When I left that […]

Tiny joys, simple pleasures

Tiny joys, simple pleasures

I wrote this the day before my birthday—another birthday spent in ECQ lockdown. No outdoor meal in a restaurant. No planned beach trip. No socially-distanced visits with family and friends. I could wallow in self-pity. But that would be indulgent considering the number of people experiencing a more difficult day. I could be consumed by […]

One year later

One year later

I’m writing this exactly one year after the Philippines went into lockdown. I remember our collective fear and anxiety. I remember the long lines in stores, the scramble for face masks, the questions over whether a face shield was really necessary. Another thing I remember is generosity and kindness as people reached out to give […]

How I got here

How I got here

Every weekend last February, I have been attending pottery class. This is a long-held dream of playing with a pottery wheel and creating beautiful things from a mound of clay. Happily, unlike other dreams where I had very high expectations, pottery school did not disappoint.  I wrote exuberantly in my journal after one class: My […]

What I learned from pottery school

What I learned from pottery school

As the pottery wheel whirled around, I confidently placed my wet hands on the clay and started molding it upwards into a skinny cone and down into a dome. That was me last weekend, a far cry from when I faced my first mound of clay, six classes ago. That first day, it seemed I […]