If it’s your first time here, START HERE. If not, just scroll down.

If you want to read about Courageous Women, try Her Extraordinary LifeHow I Quit My Day Job and The Courage Series stories.

Do you want to live a more heart-crafted life? Here are my favorite posts:

Dear future client

Six ways to craft a life you love

How to have a love story with your life

Dear heart

Dear intuition

Allow yourself to be soft

Seven things I learned from traveling with my seven-year-old

Five things I’ve learned from doing my first-ever life coaching retreat

August challenge: 31 days of journaling

Gift goals vs. should goals

A love letter to your heart

A quick trick to help you reach your goals

Your Heart-Crafted Life workbook is finally here!

A loving and lovely morning routine

What I’ve learned from 30 days of Miracle Mornings

Self-care that goes beyond massages and bubble baths

Do you want to feel…

…more grateful? 

11 more ways to practice gratitude

7 things a regular gratitude practice can do

...more present?

Present over perfect

Take mental health hours

The magic of meditation

8 ways to practice mindfulness

If you want to learn more about mindfulness

…more joyful?

Celebrate where you are

On five happy habits

On things to stop doing

On happiness

Letting go

…more balanced?

50 ways to nourish yourself

Client challenge: I want more balance in my life

Make a stop doing list

On being kind to you

…more courage?

How to step out of your comfort zone

10 ways to courageously face change

Four ways to practice courage regularly

Have courage, be kind

16 courageous things to do this month

On trying new things

Client challenge: I want to live a life with no regrets

One thing I’m afraid to tell you: I’m scared too

If you want career advice, check out these posts:

14 ways to fall in love with your job again

10 things I learned after leaving my cushy job

Two quick and easy ways to add some joy to your workday

The meaning of work

So you just got promoted? 11 ways to navigate this transition successfully

Is your career taking over your life?

What I learned from one year of running my business

If you’re ready to make your dreams happen, read these:

The truth about making your dreams come true

Six more truths about following your dreams

What if you pursue your dream?

If your inner voice is challenging you with provocative questions, you might find some answers here:

Four powerful questions to ask about your life

What if we just stopped trying?

And if you want to read some good books, here are a few of my picks.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery, Unsplash.com.
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