Present over perfect

Present over perfect

In The Courage Series last month where I wrote about women entrepreneurs, how they started their businesses and dealt with fear, Apol Massebieau, founder of Good Luck Humans, gave these words of advice: “Don’t let your ideas come from Pinterest or the internet or Instagram. You should be unplugging and figuring out your creative sensibility […]

Have courage, be kind

Have courage, be kind

These words from the live-action movie Cinderella is one of my favorites. Its message is prominently placed on our bookshelf where I see it as I work everyday. It also neatly summarizes my philosophy on coaching. As a coach, my mission is to help you take courageous action so you can make the changes you […]

A 31-day challenge for you

A 31-day challenge for you

What do I love about this season in my life? What is beautiful to me? If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now, I would…. What five words describe my life today? What am I hoping for? Beautiful questions followed by YOUR beautiful words. It’s August and time for another year of my 31-day journaling […]

Take one small step

Take one small step

Happiness is a choice. It’s easy to say but hard to do…especially when you’re feeling envious of all the travel photos on Instagram, when your boss has just reprimanded you, when you’re experiencing heartbreaking loss. “Happiness is a choice” doesn’t mean just a shift to positive thoughts, to “good vibes lang” amidst difficult challenges.  It means that […]

My biggest traveling realization

My biggest traveling realization

We sat on cold metal chairs, shivering as the light bravely tried to break through the clouds, the wind whipping our hair and rendering our coats and scarves completely useless. It was 6:30 a.m. and we were in line for timed passes to the Yayoi Kusama exhibit at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C.  There […]